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19-20 settembre 2024: European industrial policy in the new global context

he international conference European Industrial Policy in the New Global Context will be held on September 19 and 20, 2024, bringing together academics, policymakers, and industry experts to delve into the intricate aspects of the EU's strategic positioning along critical value chains and the role of industrial policy as a pivotal tool aimed at strengthening its technological and productive capabilities. Co-organized by LEAP, LUHNIP, and Sapienza, the conference is set to be held at the Faculty of Economics of Sapienza (Day 1) and Luiss University (Day 2). The conference is organized in the context of the European Macro Policy Network funded by the Dezernat Zukunft Foundation as well of the Italian Economic Association workshop series ‘L’economia italiana negli anni 20’. 

On Day 1 (Sapienza, Faculty of Economics, Aula Acquario), two distinguished keynote speakers - Ron Boschma (Utrecht University) and Reinilde Veugelers (KU Leuven) – will set the stage for the panels ‘Technological sovereignty, strategic dependency, Global Value Chain re-configuration’ (morning session) and ‘Industrial Policy in Europe and Italy’ (afternoon session). Panelists will include Francesco Crespi, Chiara Criscuolo, Giovanni Dosi, Giorgia Giovannetti, Dario Guarascio, Michael Landesmann, Patrick Llerena, Valentina Meliciani, Mario Pianta, Giorgio Prodi, Jelena Reljic, Janek Steitz, Antonello Zanfei. Day 1 will end with a roundtable chaired by Maria Savona and joined by Cyprien Batut, Francesca Bria, Riccardo Crescenzi and Simone Vannuccini.

Day 2 (Luiss University, Aula Toti) will include three panels ‘Institutions and governance of the new EU industrial policy’, ‘The spatial dimension of the new EU industrial policy’,‘EU strategic Autonomy in a complex multipolar world’ and a final roundtable ‘European Industrial Policies for Open Strategic Autonomy’. Panelists and co-authors will include Antti Alaja, Filippo Bontadini, Riccardo Crescenzi, Paul Dermine, Sebastian Diessner, Donato Di Carlo, Niccolo Durazzi, Andreas Eisl, Patrick Emmenegger, Samuel Faure, Alina Felder, Tea Gamtkitsulashvili, Paolo Guerrieri, Daniel Mertens, Vassilis Monastiriotis, Franco Mosconi, Pier Carlo Padoan, Marcella Panucci, Maria Patrin, Christy Ann Petit, Maria Savona, Emanuele Tarantino, Matthias Thiemann, Sanne van der Lugt, Dimitri Zurstrassen.

In the afternoon of Day 2, Romano Prodi will give a keynote speech entitled ‘Assets and Liabilities of a possible EU Strategic Autonomy’.

The conference can be followed online

Conference program

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