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Lectures Federico Caffè

Federico Caffè's students belonging to the Department of Economics and Law, Faculty of Economics, "Sapienza" University of Rome, have decided to honour his memory with a series of annual lectures entitled "Federico Caffè Lectures".
The lectures, addressed to scholars and students, are held by authoritative foreign and Italian economists to explore topics dear to Caffè: welfare economics, economic policy theory and epistemological problems, money and finance, employment and social policies, international issues
The lectures benefit from the contribution of the Bank of Italy, where Federico Caffè held important positions.


Two videos on Caffè: A documentary (Federico Caffè, Quel silenzio che ancora ci parla. Documentary made on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Federico Caffè's death for the CGIL.) and the 2001 film 'L'ultima lezione' directed by Fabio Rosi, winner of the Golden Globe for best first work. The videos can also be viewed in full screen.

Two videos on Caffè: A documentary (Federico Caffè, Quel silenzio che ancora ci parla. Documentary made on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Federico Caffè's death for the CGIL.) and the 2001 film 'L'ultima lezione' directed by Fabio Rosi, winner of the Golden Globe for best first work. The videos can also be viewed in full screen.


Coffee Lectures given by Mario Draghi (ECB President) in 2012 and the memory of Ignazio Visco (Governor of the Bank of Italy).