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Lezioni Precedenti

1990 Malinvaud Edmond, Unemployment diagnosis for economic policy *
1991 Stiglitz Joseph, Towards a reformulation of monetary economics
1992 Solow Robert, Monopolistic competition and macroeconomic theory *
1993 Sylos Labini Paolo , Terzo Mondo *
1994 Atkinson Anthony, Whatever has happened to the macro-economic theory of income distribution?
1995 Pasinetti Luigi, Keynes e i keynesiani: una rivoluzione incompiuta*
1996 Desai Meghnad, A monetary theory for a monetary economy
1997 Kornai János, The reform of the Welfare State in a postsocialist economy *
1998 Graziani Augusto, Circolazione monetaria e distribuzione del reddito *
2000 Arrow Kenneth J., Economic networks
2001 Laffont Jean-Jacques, Regulation and development *
2002 Eatwell John, Finance and the real economy
2003 Kolm Serge Christophe, Normative economics*
2005 Hammond Peter, Mitigating losses from trade and other liberalizing reforms
2006 Nuti Mario, Efficienza e distribuzione nell’economia globale
2007 Bowles Samuel, Il destino dell’uguaglianza
                    Machiavelli’s mistake: are good laws a substitute for good citizens?*
2008 De Cecco Marcello, La liberalizzazione finanziaria: teoria e storia
2009 Acemoglu Daron, Challenges to capitalism:
                    Crisis of 2008: lesson for and from economics
2010 Rodrik Dani, Structural change, globalization and economic growth
2011 Buiter William, The debt of nations revisited:
                    Excessive debt in rich nations; what happens when sovereigns, banks and households deleverage at the same time?
                    The central bank as a quasi-fiscal player: theory and application to the Euro area and other advanced industrial countries
2012 Draghi Mario, Politica economica, crescita e welfare: un percorso per l’Europa
2013 Soskice David, Export- and finance-oriented democracies in the knowledge era: The macro and micro political economy of crisis, inequality and innovation in advanced nation states
2014 Galì Jordi, Policy options for a depressed economy
2015 De Grauwe Paul, Legacy of the Eurozone crisis and the future of the euro
2016 Acocella Nicola, La Politica economica come disciplina autonoma: nascita, crisi, riscoperta
                    Politica economica: crisi, diseguaglianze, stagnazione e globalizzazione*
2017 Schmitt-Grohé Stephanie, Monetary policy in times of low inflation
2018 Eichengreen Barry, Economic populism: two continents, two centuries

2019 Corsetti  Giancarlo, Indebitamento e stabilità macroeconomica

2020 Sachs Jeffrey, The World in 2050: Alternatives for 2050. Transformation for sustainable development in 2050

* Le lezioni così contraddistinte sono state pubblicate dalla Cambridge University Press