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        Legal-administrative reception service for foreign students (SALASS)



The project for the establishment of the legal-administrative reception service for foreign students (SALASS) at the La Sapienza University of Rome is a legal desk within which university professors and students put into practice the object of their studies for the benefit of a variety of external users through forms of advice and extra-judicial legal assistance. The activities carried out by the help desk only concern relations between private individuals and the PA, as regards the administrative activity carried out by the individual offices (for example, the offices of the La Sapienza University, the Police Headquarters, the Embassies). Therefore it does not carry out litigation activities.



Who are the beneficiaries of the SALASS project?




All foreigners who, directly or indirectly, come into contact with La Sapienza.



  1. Foreign students registered or enrolled at Sapienza


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  • These students, when they need hospitality and information, can contact the Hello service, ( which constitutes a valid basic service. , as an English-language interface of the Information Reception and Orientation Center (Ciao). SALASS would offer them legal support in carrying out a whole series of activities, such as the issue / renewal of the residence permit, the issue of the tax code, access to the University and Disco Lazio services, the presentation of an application of international protection etc.



2) Relatives of Foreign Students  


  • Any family members of foreign students can benefit from the legal administrative reception service in carrying out activities (ex: family reunification and access to various social assistance services, kindergarten and compulsory school).





The counter is open every Thursday from 14:00 to 17:00




(University city, Palazzo del Rettorato, portico side Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 – Rome, RM, Italy)



The front-office service is carried out in compliance with the rules established for the containment of infections from Covid-19, but will continue to be carried out also via email or video call.



For info and requests:









Scientific coordination: Professor Marco Benvenuti


Professors of the Scientific Committee: Prof. Francesca Angelini- Prof. Paola Chirulli- Prof. Fabrizia Covino- Prof. Elena Paparella- Prof. Flavio Valerio Virzi


For info and questions contact: Chiara Prevete – Francesca Rondine – Angelo Lerro - Chiara Quadarella - Francesco Valerio Della Croce - Verdiana Loffredi (Privacy manager)


Other experts of the research group: Francesco Store




© University of Rome “La Sapienza” – Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Rome