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Bachelor in Economics and Finance (L-33)

Bachelor in Economics and Finance (L-33)

The Course of Studies in Economics and Finance (class L-33) offers the economic knowledge, the tools of theoretical and quantitative analysis, and the critical skills necessary to work successfully in administrative and managerial careers in private and public enterprises, in organizations operating in the European and international spheres, in national and international institutions that are engaged in the development and application of economic research, as well as in professions related to the fields of finance, international cooperation, and resource management for sustainable development. In addition, the Course of Studies offers a solid preparation for continuing studies in order to enter master's degree programs in economics and finance and first-level master's degrees.

The Course of Studies in Economics and Finance absorbs the positive experience of the previous course in Economic Sciences, updating the proposed educational path to the new needs of the labor market and the changed international context. In the wake of the financial and sovereign debt crises, the revisitation of the educational offerings has added a greater focus on the problems of public and private finance to the themes, already present, of economics and economic policies in the national and international spheres (including international cooperation) and those of sustainable development and environmental economics. The themes are declined in different pathways, constructed to guide the student toward the education most congenial to her/him.


Educational Pathways

After an initial period of three semesters, during which students are provided with the indispensable basic knowledge in the fields of economics, business, law and mathematical-statistics, the degree program includes three differentiated training paths, which offer educational modules oriented toward the in-depth study of specific areas of analysis and the training of advanced skills in the relevant fields.



Economics and Finance

Profile: Economic and financial analyst.

Functions: Active roles in economic decision-making processes; analysis of the functioning of economic and financial systems; development of forecasts of future trends in economic and financial variables; evaluation of the effects of public policies.

Skills: Ability to analyze economic data quantitatively; ability to compare with expertise in related disciplinary fields; ability to interact in diverse professional settings.

Study plan:Download here (PDF) - More information

Career Outlets: Financial institutions, national central banks, government study departments, International Monetary Fund, European Central Bank, research centers.





Path of excellence

Enrolled students can access (by announcement) a pathway of excellence, built for the purpose of enhancing and integrating their training. The pathway offers additional educational activities to those of the course of study in which the student is enrolled, consisting of special in-depth disciplinary and interdisciplinary studies, seminar and internship activities according to a program that will be personalized and agreed with each individual student. The student who has obtained access to the Path of Excellence is assigned to a teacher or tutor who follows the path and collaborates in the organization of the activities, agreed with the student, for a maximum commitment of 200 hours per year (8 CFUs). In addition, the Pathway of Excellence provides an award equal to the amount of tuition fees paid in the last year of the course. 

Continuing to study

After the bachelor's degree, a good percentage of female students choose to continue their studies at an advanced level, completing their education with a two-year master's degree program. A number of master's degree courses aimed at deepening and consolidating knowledge in the fields of economics and finance are active at La Sapienza (a list, which is not exhaustive, is published below). These courses aim to build a more advanced professional profile.

A list of Sapienza Master's Courses that can be accessed after the Bachelor's Degree in Economics and Finance ...

EPOS - Economia (Corso Magistrale)

Health Economics - Economia Sanitaria (Corso Magistrale)

IFIR - Finanza Internazionale (Corso Magistrale)

FINASS - Finanza e Assicurazioni (Corso Magistrale)

ECOTUR - Economia e Ambiente (Corso Magistrale)



Presidente del CdS
Segreteria didattica


sesto piano, Via del Castro Laurenziano 9, 00161 Roma
